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about the internet ::  working
What is it?    

The Internet :: Working is the team services and collaboration solution developed by Ultimate IT Solutions Limited.


Enable all team members to communicate and share important information effectively and more efficiently by creating individual, secure, project-specific virtual workspaces which are accessed via the Internet.

Create users and assign them to projects so that all project team-members, including outsourced consultants and subcontractors, can collaborate, online, without opening up your in-house servers.

  • create a secure and individual workspace for each project
  • add users to your company list and assign them to specific projects
  • create access permissions and assign them to users at project level in each project, create any number of document repositories to organise, store and share project documents, files, drawings, etc
  • schedule and assign project tasks to team members and view them as a Gantt-style chart
  • post important project news and events to alert all team members to breaking news
  • access a global forum for technical support, bug reports and to submit feature requests for future upgrades and improvements
  • access your company forum to communicate with your co-workers
  • access a forum specific to each project, to communicate with project team members
  • exchange private messages with team members and co-workers
Empower your users    

The Internet :: Working is a powerful solution that gives you the resources to empower your project teams to collaborate effectively 24/7, regardless of where they are situated.

    How does it work?

First, you need to register to your company with The Internet :: Working. This will create a new company in our database and also an 'administrator' account, in the name you entered.

It costs nothing to register.

Admin panel    

Registration allows immediate access, via your new administrator account, to your company's 'admin panel', where you will manage your company account and which also provides instant access to your company forum and to global support.

The admin panel allows you to manage your company's projects, users and access permissions.

    Create projects

To create a project, you must enter a project reference and a project name, and assign a Project Manager from your current users list.


Once you've created a project, assign users to the project and give them their access permissions for that project.

Each user can be notified, automatically by e-mail, to let them know they are on the team and at what level; what their user name is and, if they've not previously logged in, give them a secure password.

All users are encouraged to change this password the first time they log in, for security reasons. All users are responsible for making sure their personal details are correct and up-to-date.

Working with projects  
  • Assigned users can access their projects from any Internet-enabled PC, anywhere in the World. Depending on their individual access rights on each project, users can

  • upload project data

  • download project data

  • create tasks and assign them to users

  • post news and events

  • exchange private messages

  • communicate openly with team members via the project forum 

  • communicate openly with co-workers via the company forum access technical support,

  • submit bugs and feature requests via the global forum


How to pay?


We offer a range of pricing options for versatility.


Projects can be created singly or in discounted bands - the more you buy, the greater the discount. To upgrade your account status at any time, you pay the difference between your existing price band and the new one.


Projects are priced on a YEARLY basis and are based on the total number of LIVE projects at any given time. For every project you delete you can create a new one at no extra cost.


We are currently only able to accept card payments, which are made by the account administrator, directly from the admin panel which seamlessly connects to a secure server at WorldPay.


WorldPay is a world leader in secure card payments on the Internet. An important part of the The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, the 5th biggest banking group in the world, WorldPay payment solutions are trusted by thousands of businesses, big and small.

For more information or to register    
If you have questions that haven't been answered here, please send an e-mail to
and ask for additional information on specific issues or concerns.
If you'd like to register for an account, please visit

the internet :: working - version 1.2 © psitec 2003